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Developed Countries Cap-and-Trade Border Measures: Chinas Possible Reactions
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【Title】Developed Countries Cap-and-Trade Border Measures: Chinas Possible Reactions
【Author】Zhao, Jun
【Abtract】Certain developed countries are exploring the possibility of imposing border measures to address the issues of competitive disadvantage and carbon leakage caused by asymmetric climate change policies in different countries. This article examines whether these border measures can satisfy the chapeau requirement(1) under Article XX of GATT, which is probably the most significant procedural hurdle under the WTO framework. Furthermore, this article takes stock of Chinas domestic actions to combat climate change as well as their potential effectiveness, and then analyses the motivations behind those actions.(2) After that, this article probes into Chinas potential advisable reactions towards these possible border measures, including Chinas domestic institutional building.

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