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Unprecedented International Status
[ 浏览点击:219 ] [ 发布时间:2015-05-19 ] 字体:[ ] [ 返回 ]

Full Title: "Unprecedented International Status: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the HKSAR's External Autonomy"

    This article demonstrates three points: (1) that the HKSAR's external autonomy develops a new component of autonomy and thereby strengthens and enriches the content of the theory of autonomy; (2) that the successful practice of the HKSAR's external autonomy in such aspects as special positions in international organizations and conferences, autonomous treaty-making power, special arrangements for applying treaties and relations with other regions in China demonstrates convincingly that the HKSAR's enjoys and develops its unprecedented international status; and (3) that the characteristics of the HKSAR's external autonomy include authorization nature, double legal grounds and international guarantee.

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