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TRS as a Measurment of Trade Facilitation
[ 浏览点击:266 ] [ 发布时间:2015-05-19 ] 字体:[ ] [ 返回 ]

 Full Title: "TRS as a Measurment of Trade Facilitation - the Experience of Customs in the Asia Pacific Region"

    Abstract: A Time Release Study (TRS), a systematic and standard way to measure the time taken to release cargo, can substantially help Customs, other governmental agencies and the private sector to measure effectiveness, identify bottlenecks and find possible solutions for improvement in clearance and logistics. The World Customs Organization (WCO) has promoted the TRS and concentrated efforts to develop guidelines and software to address the emerging trade facilitation agenda. In the Asia Pacific Region, a number of TRS programs have been, and will be, conucted both at national and regional level with capacity building support. Critical findings and significant lessons can be drawn from regional experience to show how to roll out and use the TRS effectively.

注:本文作者张树杰目前是中国海关派驻世界海关组织(WCO)亚太地区能力建设办公室(ROCB 泰国)技术专员,主要研究方向为贸易便利化、海关现代化。

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